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$1,000.00 Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia $750.00 Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia $900.00 Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia $825.00 Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia $2,400.00 Topaz (GEM crystals) on Albite with Muscovite / Locality - Dassu, Braldu Valley, Pakistan Topaz (GEM crystals) on Albite with Muscovite / Locality - Dassu, Braldu Valley, Pakistan $3,000.00 Vanadinite (fine classic crystal group) / Locality - Mibladen, Midelt, Khenifra Province, Meknes-Tafilalet Region, Morocco Vanadinite (fine classic crystal group) / Locality - Mibladen, Midelt, Khenifra Province, Meknes-Tafilalet Region, Morocco $2,800.00 Fluorapatite (beautiful color change crystals) / Locality - Panasqueira, Covilha, Castelo Branco District, Portugal Fluorapatite (beautiful color change crystals) / Locality - Panasqueira, Covilha, Castelo Branco District, Portugal $2,500.00 Pyrargyrite with Miagyrite / (old classic material) / Locality - Niederschlema, Bad Schlema, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, Germany Pyrargyrite with Miagyrite / (old classic material) / Locality - Niederschlema, Bad Schlema, Erzgebirge District, Saxony, Germany $3,500.00 Afghanite (large crystal) / Locality - Ladjuar Medam, (Lapis-lazuli Mine), Afghanistan (TYPE LOCALITY) Afghanite (large crystal) / Locality - Ladjuar Medam, (Lapis-lazuli Mine), Afghanistan (TYPE LOCALITY) $1,800.00 Opal-AN (Hyalite Opal) with Carbonate-rich Fluorapatite (var: "Staffelite") / Locality - Valec (Waltsch), Bohemia, Czech Republic Opal-AN (Hyalite Opal) with Carbonate-rich Fluorapatite (var: "Staffelite") / Locality - Valec (Waltsch), Bohemia, Czech Republic $4,000.00 Fluorite (LARGE bi-color "Spinel-twin") (1,444 grams) / Locality - Chumar Bakhoor, Pakistan Fluorite (LARGE bi-color "Spinel-twin") (1,444 grams) / Locality - Chumar Bakhoor, Pakistan $1,600.00 Fluorite (GEM "ice" crystals) with Calcite / Locality - Huanggang Fe-Sn deposit, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China Fluorite (GEM "ice" crystals) with Calcite / Locality - Huanggang Fe-Sn deposit, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China $2,800.00 Fluorite (GEM/gemmy "phantom" crystal group) / Locality - Xianghualing Mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China Fluorite (GEM/gemmy "phantom" crystal group) / Locality - Xianghualing Mine, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China $1,500.00 Rhodochrosite on Quartz with Sphalerite / Locality - Champion Mine, near Lake City, Cinnamon Pass, Park District, Hinsdale County, Colorado Rhodochrosite on Quartz with Sphalerite / Locality - Champion Mine, near Lake City, Cinnamon Pass, Park District, Hinsdale County, Colorado $1,800.00 Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia Copal / Young Amber with insect inclusions / Locality - Colombia